My famous “13 Ingredient Chili” for game day is burbling on the stove as I type, and here is your PSA to make it this weekend. IT IS EXCELLENT.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t give a rat's ass about football, nor do I know anything about the sport, but I am all for a celebration that encourages eating bar food on the couch.
Last weekend, I made Birria for a very overdue family dinner (my GOD January was the long!). I used the recipe I linked above for inspiration, but did it on the stovetop in lieu of the Instant Pot - you could do either. This would be a very fun option for the Super Bowl. If you’re feeding a crowd, you can fry the tacos about three at a time and keep them warm in the oven. Present on a large platter. Highly recommend - they were a hit. I served them with a shaved cabbage salad tossed with lime juice, Champagne vinegar, some toasted sunflower seeds and cilantro. A bowl of Rancho Gordo beans too, for good measure.
May I also suggest my dear friend ’s chicken wings? She has named them The Crispiest, Sauciest Chicken Wings, and I believe her. Alexis and her husband Ryan just launched Uplands in Delhi, NY and are raising pasture-raised, organic-fed chickens. So, they do know a few thing about birds… Give them a follow!
Alternatively, if you’re looking to go in another direction. I am a huge fan of Pok Pok’s Ike Fish-Sauce Wings,
Other ideas include my Green Goddess Dip with Celery Leaves or Fancy Toasts. The lovely also recently published some great links to dips and other party food.
This day is really about snacking, which is up there with my favorite ways to hang.
Come Sunday, as my chili has been pre-gamed (yes, I did), I’ll be the one on the couch saying she’s “here for the commercials” while asking Chad for another beer. But please do tell me, what you are planning?
Have a great rest of your week!
With love,
Colu xx
Here for the snacks…and the commercials.
Bar snacks on the couch. Our newsletters share that positioning this week :)